Category Archives: Podcast

General Podcast

002 Real Estate how to search for a property

Real Estate News this week is the creation of the Dot Realtor domain,  The NAR (National Association of Realtors) obtain the domain Dot Realtor for the Realtors and NAR related business, the ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Name and Number) who assigns Dot Com, Dot Org, Dot Net domain name, since then has opened 1900 or more Domain due to able to have 21 digits in end domain.  Therefore due to copy right of name Realtor, NAR was able to obtain the Realtor name.  So in the future, you will start to see realtor have a .realtor for their email and webpage.  As for me, I am a realtor, so you can reach me at and

Today’s topic Is what to search on the property

To get a property, we would need to know what to look for.  Sometimes it’s easier to have an idea what kind of property you would able to see based on your criteria of that you can afford, then what you would like to see.  Which if you did your preparation correctly, asked your realtor about the location & area you would likely to increase the speed that your realtor’s selection for you.  Here are the some of the information you could use for

Locations – Location are almost most important item on the list, because the rest item on the list will be effected on the list.  Make a choice on the location will help you make difference on what property can be available for purchase within budget

Price – Started with location, based other choices on the rest of the list will make the budget on the price and available choice on the price.  But remember, List price is one thing, Current price is one thing, market price is another things, but Final price is ultimately the agreed price between the seller, and the buyer with agreed term

size – size of the property are variable and important, but also look at the floor plan, it helps the overall solution on the feel of the size.

rooms – Most time, depend on the various choice and issue, what you need is whatever the rooms you need.

Years – the property years is important, but also need to see what kind remodeled are done due to the property, and sometime the old is not bad, just what type of the property you are looking for.

style of the property- there are many different style on the interior and exterior of the property, look at different type will help make the selection easier

floor plan – depend on your need, you may want to look different flow of your floor plan.

Of course there are other information that’s important for you that might not be listed, but would be your personal criteria to help you make the selection.  Thank you.



001 Real Estate Purchase Preperation

First of all, the big news in the Real Estate in California is the contract change, almost entire contract is changed.  Besides the RPA-CA (Residence Purchase Agreement), there are 13 New form, 18 revise forms, and some of the older forms are retired. Most of agents are and will be trained for the new forms. Its very exciting due to it eliminate some unreasonable form, and introduced also revised some forms based on the current technology and law,  Of course there still some forms and laws will be changed based on the current and pending court case.

Now the main discussion.

For many, work entire life just want to make sure retired with dignity and own a house clear out with plenty of case for comfortable retirement.  This is information on basic preparation to purchase a home, since everyone have different target or goal for the future, so the product you buy will be differrent then everyone else. so here are some check list to work with before you see your Realtor or have better understanding how everything works.

1. Get your finance in order-See your loan officers for basic info on Credit, Loan, Cash.  Such as pre approval, pre qualify, discussing with your Mortgage lender for all the important informaiton that may be important to you and you can start making some choices.  Also check with your CPA on the consequence on your house purchase, what kind interest are deducable, what kind information your would need for the various tax, also if it’s a investment, please get information on the entity you would need to get maximum benefits.

2. How to Prepare your life – when you have not so good credit and based on the pre-approval and qualification to help you obtain a property. you may need to change your life style to increase your credit score or many different things to help along the way to get more possible money and better interest.  Sometimes depend on situation, it may takes years to get to the level you would like to get to the better interest rate and sometimes discussion with hired financial planner maybe beneficial.

3. What area, purchase price, size, property, and location decisions, from the pre-approval and discussion around the area you would like will be in-depth discussion with your real estate agent, they are here to help you find a target area, find a property that will be great for you and help you reach and get the property

4.  Go to open house and check out the area, and prepare.

There are people buying houses for owner occupied, some for none owner occupied, but to get a property, its better to prepare ahead before you spend your large earned money on the most important purchase on your life.  We don’t give advise how you should do, but we get you some information for you, and it’s up to you to see if you want to use the info and make your purchase better.


About – Real Estate and work

Welcome to Real Estate and Work!!!

There are things in the world is not complex, but live in the world does. Do you live somewhere? Or work?  Some times are you feeling the world is going against you?  The HOA or city denies your request of doing something to enhance your living situation? Your work place where you had a nice job but not feeling satisfied?

I have many problems like that.  After college graduation, work at several jobs, which was many  different type of jobs.  Slowly and had work sometimes, but doesn’t have the same enjoyment.   Most of time, there are something missing at job, and there are feeling of not able to do anything.   I can deal with doing same every day, which all job does that, but why? Now we can use this format to discuss issues and we can find ways to enhance personal ability, and possibility of enjoyment.

Since people have to live somewhere, there are many questions people been asking me on various questions as Realtor responding to those questions, so I will use this site to answer those questions.

But most importantly, to help listener, I will invite professional in the business and have a wonderful talk with them to learn and update our knowledge living and working.

I am not a lawyer, I am not a CPA.  This website is purely informational, we don’t give recommendation, and it’s up to you to verify and use the information you would need.

Thank you, and please enjoy.


David Chen

Realtor – CalBRE# 01918420

Pacific Sterling Realty

Welcome to Real Estate and Work!!!

Welcome to Real Estate And Work.  Where you will learn information on Real Estate and Work. This is educational website, so this website does not give advise.  We will have professional personal in each of their field discuss their topics in their podcast, and will have lot’s information, and we will have lots fun.  !!

The first Podcast will start on December 1st, then will start weekly.  Thank you.